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⋙ Read Free Malice eBook Griffin Hayes

Malice eBook Griffin Hayes

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Download PDF Malice eBook Griffin Hayes

Malice eBook Griffin Hayes

******* CAUTION! ******* WARNING! ******* CAUTION! ******* WARNING! ******* CAUTION! *******


If you find yourself chewing your nails, chewing your fingers, or chewing your bloody hands off - STOP reading Malice long enough to contact your doctor or visit an emergency room for a malicious surgery.

Thank You.
Joe Doe., C.M.P.
Chief of Malicious Practices.

"Rules are meant to be broken. SO GO BREAK 'EM! With Pride!"
-- The Blindfolded Bandito.

Malice opens with a deadly punch! A gripping uppercut! And a jaw shattering hook!
The Prologue unfolds the story with a compelling hook as Griffin Hayes grabbed my attention with a gripping first sentence: " The Smell of burning death would soon choke the streets."
The story soon reveals a witch named Rebecca Goodman who is getting burned at the stake and put to death; yet her death will remain a mystery. And later it will tie neatly into this malicious story: in a haunting and shocking way!

Therefore, there have been rumors about Rebecca Goodman for centuries. Nevertheless, here's my questions that I was asking myself: was Rebecca Goodman a 'good witch' who was wrongfully accused for being herself? Was she burned at the stake for her beliefs? Was she burned at the stake for being an outcast?

I urgently wanna share my view about black and white witches: our society today has this distorted belief that all witches are bad; however, this is 'NOT TRUE!' The Authentic Wiccan Society is a very good thing for our country: they are safe, well organized, and they have very good intentions towards their fellow neighbors; yet they're not all women - some are also men. They're an Authentic Wiccan Society with great intentions.

Even though you will make your own judgements and draw your own conclusions by the end of this story, please try to read Malice with an open mind and try not to judge Rebecca Goodman just because she's a witch. To be honest, Rebecca Goodman was a 'white witch' with the best of intentions; yet severely 'misunderstood!'
Therefore, I don't believe that a woman like Rebecca Goodman should have been burned at the stake 'just for being different.'
There are good and bad in every person and it just comes down to how society judges us and how socially accepted that we are and if we're willing to conform in society or stand our ground and be ourselves. Therefore, I'd rather be myself!
And if there's a rule or a law to be broken, then I'll be sure to break it: with pride! I'm ecstatic just being myself: A Nonconformist!

In the story, Rebecca Goodman was a midwife and she cared for the sick and she cared for the children. She had no intent to harm. However, the cruel society twisted Rebecca like a spiral and judged her for her beliefs. They spread malicious rumors about how she hurt innocent children; this may be true. However, I don't personally think so. I personally believe that Rebecca was a white witch with no intention to harm anyone - yet she was burned at the stake because she was misunderstood and she was judged harshly for being different from the rest of her scandalous society. And this harsh judgement turned Rebecca from a good person into a hater. And in order to relieve this hate she had to let the hands of time free her. Therefore casting her spirit from her scorched body, and hopefully, into a much more peaceful afterlife where she would be accepted her for who she was: a good person with great intentions; yet critically 'misunderstood' and brutally 'misjudged' for 'Just Being Herself!'

Similarly, Sam (another primary character in this story) was severely misunderstood for being a Wiccan; however, she had no intent to hurt or harm anyone. In fact she was a caring, level-headed, young adult that brutally missed her mother - Diane. Diane Crow's death was rumored in the town of Millingham that she had mental health issues and killed herself? I don't think so! I believe that there's always some judgmental, rumor spreading, scandalous moron causing a big misunderstanding; these types of dark characters are all around us everyday. And they will climb mountains to destroy us and prove that they're right - when in reality - they're wrong.

Sam is also at odds with her father, Sheriff Crow, who seems to hush about the several mysterious murders in Millingham and sweep all this under the rug. Sheriff Crow also misses his wife to the point that he won't even go into the bathroom that his wife was murdered in.
As a result, Sam doesn't really even have a good relationship with her father. Sam also is antagonized by Alex Morgan - the deputy of Millingham - as Alex has the hots for Sam. And to top all that off, Sam is crazy in love with Lysander (the main character in this story - a 17 year old Goth from Hayward who has moved to Millingham with his family); however, Lysander just considers Sam as a 'buddy.' However, Lysander has a heart full of lust for summer: his classmate who is a "Narcissistic snob" that doesn't give a crap about him; Summer cares only about herself. It's a given that Lysander has bad taste in women and he is too naive to realize that his true love (Sam) may be right before his eyes.

Nevertheless, Lysander's has a lot to learn - and thankfully his character changes for the better throughout the course of this tale. Yet Lysander is also judged as 'a freak' and so is Sam. They're both misunderstood - just like Rebecca while she was burned at the stake. However, the misunderstanding of the characters and their severe judgement added great character empathy and tension throughout the story and built to an amazing climax.

Speaking of climax, the antagonist in this story was obviously a gruesome villain; however, he was also a human being. He had his flaws and share of good and bad traits just like everyone else. However, he had bad feelings toward Lysander. The villain wanted revenge on Lysander for the bad things that Lysander did to him in the past. So the villain expressed himself through hate and violence. Yet he was a wolf in sheep's clothing and he was the last one the reader would expect to be 'the villain'. Furthermore, he thrived on retaliation. Instead of forgiving Lysander of what happened in the past, he took furious vengeance and suffered the consequences.

Furthermore, Lysander struggled throughout the story with alienation. He just didn't fit in; he was at great odds with his father when his father blamed him for causing his mother to have a miscarriage. Lysander was misunderstood even by his own father. Lysander was a misconceived character that just wanted to be accepted. Yet he made his share of mistakes getting there. Falling head over heals for Summer was a huge mistake that Lysander found out 'the hard way' from his own horrific experience with summer at a Halloween party. And that's when he realized that Sam was right for him all along. As a result, Sam forgave Lysander and accepted him for who he was. And this was just another characteristic that won me over and made "SAM" my favorite character in this heart-gripping tale.

It's no surprise that the plot excels with G-force and explodes with a heart-stopping climax in this maliciously gripping read: from the mysterious murders in Millingham to the shocking revelation of the killer - and the demented way that he was actually murdering his victims. Yet the battle between good and evil explodes in this tale with a mind-shattering conclusion!


My breakdown of the theme of Malice is that not any one person on this planet is exactly the same; we are all different in one way or another. Yet some of us just don't fit in. And some of us alienate ourselves away from others out of fear of rejection. Instead, we choose to stand outside the click. But do we really want to be in the click anyway? I personally don't think so. I get by just fine being myself. If people don't accept me for who I am - then so be it. It is what it is. And I have to accept that and move on. As a result, what I have personally learned in life is that you have to accept yourself before anyone else will accept you. Be comfortable in the skin you're in. And love yourself. Then maybe others may love you in return.

Furthermore, We are all different (gender, race, religion, disabilities, etc...) and we're judged by those who think that they are better than us and they think that they don't have any problems of their own. Everyone has problems. And even though everyone judges: some judge more harshly than others. Yet the one thing that we all have in common: in the end we will be judged severely harsher than those we have judged.

Additionally, Hope was a big factor at the end of this story. Therefore, I tie hope in with faith. And Hope and Faith can move mountains. Therefore, if we never stop hoping - and keep on believing - then miracles can happen: right before our very eyes!

And finally - forgiveness and love were the two other elements that I got from the theme. Try to forgive before your hate eats you up inside. Don't carry your anger; and don't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Instead, start with loving yourself; and being yourself: Let nothing stand in your way - Just Follow Your Heart.

Thrill-Seeker! ;-)

Read Malice eBook Griffin Hayes

Tags : Malice eBook: Griffin Hayes: Kindle Store,ebook,Griffin Hayes,Malice,Trebor Books,Kindle eBooks > Fiction > Horror > Occult,Kindle eBooks > Fiction > Genre Fiction > Horror > Ghosts

Malice eBook Griffin Hayes Reviews

I discovered Malice when its author, Grifffin Hayes, started following me on Twitter. Out of curiosity, I downloaded the sample version and started reading. By the time I reached the end of the sample I was hooked and happily paid my $0.99 to see where the story went from there. I couldn't be happier that I did.

Malice was a thoroughly engaging read from start to finish. With likeable protagonists, a swiftly moving plot, and a villain as despicable as they come it's pure entertainment. Hayes pulls no punches and constantly keeps you wondering exactly how the story is going to end. If you're a fan of horror and the paranormal, you can't go wrong with this one. I sincerely hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Malice was an unusual read for me because horror just isn't my thing, but horror plus paranormal plus goth and Wiccan outcasts, and I can work with that! First off, all of the characters were diverse, with rich distinct personalities accompanied by fitting and totally believable dialogue (especially the character, Wallace, with that distinct backwoods accent, which I always love to read). I gave the author two full stars for the dialogue alone. I also love stories set in small towns as there is something intimate and more personal about a place less known to readers than the 'big cities' and paranormal thrillers like Malice work very well in settings like these. The chill-factor was immensely high in Malice! The author superbly crafted scenes with grotesque visuals, yet did it professionally so as not to make me feel I was reading a scene written purely for 'shock factor'.
Book Title Malice

Author Griffin Hayes

Published By Trebor Books

Genre Horror

Recommended Age 13+

Reviewed By Emily Tuley / AngelsCryHavoc

Blog Reviewed For Great Minds Think Aloud Literary Community

Rating 4 Ravens

Won from a giveaway on Librarything I was curious when I saw the cover and read the synopsis of the book. A little leery and on my way to wanting something more new and fresh to read than the usual of my genre pool as of late I decided that a break from Zombies or some Paranormal Romance this would be just my cup of tea and picked it for my read this week. I was gladly not disappointed. Upon reading the book I was pulled in and could not stop turning the pages. The concept was nice and fresh with a little bit of the old classical horror feel from most angles.

It's about Lysander a young man new to the area alienated not only by peers and classmates for how he dresses and how he acts sometimes but as well by his own father who seems to hold a grudge against him for the past loss of his little brother that never came to full term and the injury to his mother. Now with their home having been burned down they have moved to the town of Millingham and little did they know that the darkness there was ready to consume them all or at least Lysander.

Samantha Crow daughter to the town Sheriff and all around dark girl or Wiccan as most do not know or understand has been having nightmares herself of her mother and her mothers death. She doesn't believe that her mother committed suicide like her father and others of the town are trying to make her believe and she's not only right the murderer is out there still and looking for her and Lysander.

Together these two face hell only to find out the dark past of themselves their souls and the town. Together they will have to correct the mistakes of their past and past lives and try to out live the killer that is hunting them and some of their friends and family down. I have enjoyed this book and can't wait to read more from Griffin Hayes. A wonderful action filled story and one I highly recommend.
******* CAUTION! ******* WARNING! ******* CAUTION! ******* WARNING! ******* CAUTION! *******


If you find yourself chewing your nails, chewing your fingers, or chewing your bloody hands off - STOP reading Malice long enough to contact your doctor or visit an emergency room for a malicious surgery.

Thank You.
Joe Doe., C.M.P.
Chief of Malicious Practices.

"Rules are meant to be broken. SO GO BREAK 'EM! With Pride!"
-- The Blindfolded Bandito.

Malice opens with a deadly punch! A gripping uppercut! And a jaw shattering hook!
The Prologue unfolds the story with a compelling hook as Griffin Hayes grabbed my attention with a gripping first sentence " The Smell of burning death would soon choke the streets."
The story soon reveals a witch named Rebecca Goodman who is getting burned at the stake and put to death; yet her death will remain a mystery. And later it will tie neatly into this malicious story in a haunting and shocking way!

Therefore, there have been rumors about Rebecca Goodman for centuries. Nevertheless, here's my questions that I was asking myself was Rebecca Goodman a 'good witch' who was wrongfully accused for being herself? Was she burned at the stake for her beliefs? Was she burned at the stake for being an outcast?

I urgently wanna share my view about black and white witches our society today has this distorted belief that all witches are bad; however, this is 'NOT TRUE!' The Authentic Wiccan Society is a very good thing for our country they are safe, well organized, and they have very good intentions towards their fellow neighbors; yet they're not all women - some are also men. They're an Authentic Wiccan Society with great intentions.

Even though you will make your own judgements and draw your own conclusions by the end of this story, please try to read Malice with an open mind and try not to judge Rebecca Goodman just because she's a witch. To be honest, Rebecca Goodman was a 'white witch' with the best of intentions; yet severely 'misunderstood!'
Therefore, I don't believe that a woman like Rebecca Goodman should have been burned at the stake 'just for being different.'
There are good and bad in every person and it just comes down to how society judges us and how socially accepted that we are and if we're willing to conform in society or stand our ground and be ourselves. Therefore, I'd rather be myself!
And if there's a rule or a law to be broken, then I'll be sure to break it with pride! I'm ecstatic just being myself A Nonconformist!

In the story, Rebecca Goodman was a midwife and she cared for the sick and she cared for the children. She had no intent to harm. However, the cruel society twisted Rebecca like a spiral and judged her for her beliefs. They spread malicious rumors about how she hurt innocent children; this may be true. However, I don't personally think so. I personally believe that Rebecca was a white witch with no intention to harm anyone - yet she was burned at the stake because she was misunderstood and she was judged harshly for being different from the rest of her scandalous society. And this harsh judgement turned Rebecca from a good person into a hater. And in order to relieve this hate she had to let the hands of time free her. Therefore casting her spirit from her scorched body, and hopefully, into a much more peaceful afterlife where she would be accepted her for who she was a good person with great intentions; yet critically 'misunderstood' and brutally 'misjudged' for 'Just Being Herself!'

Similarly, Sam (another primary character in this story) was severely misunderstood for being a Wiccan; however, she had no intent to hurt or harm anyone. In fact she was a caring, level-headed, young adult that brutally missed her mother - Diane. Diane Crow's death was rumored in the town of Millingham that she had mental health issues and killed herself? I don't think so! I believe that there's always some judgmental, rumor spreading, scandalous moron causing a big misunderstanding; these types of dark characters are all around us everyday. And they will climb mountains to destroy us and prove that they're right - when in reality - they're wrong.

Sam is also at odds with her father, Sheriff Crow, who seems to hush about the several mysterious murders in Millingham and sweep all this under the rug. Sheriff Crow also misses his wife to the point that he won't even go into the bathroom that his wife was murdered in.
As a result, Sam doesn't really even have a good relationship with her father. Sam also is antagonized by Alex Morgan - the deputy of Millingham - as Alex has the hots for Sam. And to top all that off, Sam is crazy in love with Lysander (the main character in this story - a 17 year old Goth from Hayward who has moved to Millingham with his family); however, Lysander just considers Sam as a 'buddy.' However, Lysander has a heart full of lust for summer his classmate who is a "Narcissistic snob" that doesn't give a crap about him; Summer cares only about herself. It's a given that Lysander has bad taste in women and he is too naive to realize that his true love (Sam) may be right before his eyes.

Nevertheless, Lysander's has a lot to learn - and thankfully his character changes for the better throughout the course of this tale. Yet Lysander is also judged as 'a freak' and so is Sam. They're both misunderstood - just like Rebecca while she was burned at the stake. However, the misunderstanding of the characters and their severe judgement added great character empathy and tension throughout the story and built to an amazing climax.

Speaking of climax, the antagonist in this story was obviously a gruesome villain; however, he was also a human being. He had his flaws and share of good and bad traits just like everyone else. However, he had bad feelings toward Lysander. The villain wanted revenge on Lysander for the bad things that Lysander did to him in the past. So the villain expressed himself through hate and violence. Yet he was a wolf in sheep's clothing and he was the last one the reader would expect to be 'the villain'. Furthermore, he thrived on retaliation. Instead of forgiving Lysander of what happened in the past, he took furious vengeance and suffered the consequences.

Furthermore, Lysander struggled throughout the story with alienation. He just didn't fit in; he was at great odds with his father when his father blamed him for causing his mother to have a miscarriage. Lysander was misunderstood even by his own father. Lysander was a misconceived character that just wanted to be accepted. Yet he made his share of mistakes getting there. Falling head over heals for Summer was a huge mistake that Lysander found out 'the hard way' from his own horrific experience with summer at a Halloween party. And that's when he realized that Sam was right for him all along. As a result, Sam forgave Lysander and accepted him for who he was. And this was just another characteristic that won me over and made "SAM" my favorite character in this heart-gripping tale.

It's no surprise that the plot excels with G-force and explodes with a heart-stopping climax in this maliciously gripping read from the mysterious murders in Millingham to the shocking revelation of the killer - and the demented way that he was actually murdering his victims. Yet the battle between good and evil explodes in this tale with a mind-shattering conclusion!


My breakdown of the theme of Malice is that not any one person on this planet is exactly the same; we are all different in one way or another. Yet some of us just don't fit in. And some of us alienate ourselves away from others out of fear of rejection. Instead, we choose to stand outside the click. But do we really want to be in the click anyway? I personally don't think so. I get by just fine being myself. If people don't accept me for who I am - then so be it. It is what it is. And I have to accept that and move on. As a result, what I have personally learned in life is that you have to accept yourself before anyone else will accept you. Be comfortable in the skin you're in. And love yourself. Then maybe others may love you in return.

Furthermore, We are all different (gender, race, religion, disabilities, etc...) and we're judged by those who think that they are better than us and they think that they don't have any problems of their own. Everyone has problems. And even though everyone judges some judge more harshly than others. Yet the one thing that we all have in common in the end we will be judged severely harsher than those we have judged.

Additionally, Hope was a big factor at the end of this story. Therefore, I tie hope in with faith. And Hope and Faith can move mountains. Therefore, if we never stop hoping - and keep on believing - then miracles can happen right before our very eyes!

And finally - forgiveness and love were the two other elements that I got from the theme. Try to forgive before your hate eats you up inside. Don't carry your anger; and don't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Instead, start with loving yourself; and being yourself Let nothing stand in your way - Just Follow Your Heart.

Thrill-Seeker! ;-)
Ebook PDF Malice eBook Griffin Hayes

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